New tender for marketing of oil launched
New tender for marketing of oil launched

The PPP/C government has scrapped the shortlist of 19 companies that had submitted proposals to sell Guyana’s portion of oil from the Liza-1 well and yesterday launched a new Request For Proposals (RFP).
In a two-page advertisement in yesterday’s Sunday Stabroek, pages 20-21, the Ministry of Natural Resources advertised for RFPs for the provision of marketing services for Guyana’s oil entitlement from the Liza Destiny FPSO vessel.
“Co-operative Republic of Guyana, Ministry of Natural Resources, Department of Energy- Request for Proposals(RFP) (Without Prequalification) Non-consultancy services,” the ad states. It notes that the RFP document can be downloaded from the Office of the President and Department of Energy websites from today.