EITI Standard 2019
EITI Standard 2019
Published: February 04, 2021
EITI Standard 2019

The global standard for the good governance of oil, gas and mineral resources
This EITI Standard consists of two chapters: chapter one, Implementation of the EITI Standard; and chapter two, Governance and management. Chapter one, Implementation of the EITI Standard, includes:
- The EITI Principles, which were agreed by all stakeholders in 2003. These Principles lay out the general aims and commitments by all stakeholders.
- The EITI Requirements, which must be adhered to by countries implementing the EITI.
- A section on EITI Board oversight of EITI implementation, which outlines the time frames that implementing countries must adhere to and the consequences of lack of progress with meeting the EITI Requirements.
- Overview of Validation. Validation provides stakeholders with an impartial assessment of progress in EITI implementation towards meeting the requirements of the EITI Standard.
- The protocol “Participation of civil society”, which sets out requirements and expectations regarding civil society participation in EITI implementation.
- Expectations for EITI supporting companies.
- The Open data policy.Guidance on part one of the EITI Standard is available on eiti.org/guide. Chapter two addresses the EITI’s Governance and management. It includes: the Articles of Association, which address how the EITI Members’ Association is governed and the EITI Openness policy, which addresses how the EITI itself should be transparent. Each constituency of the Association has agreed Constituency guidelines. It also includes the EITI Association code of conductwhich establishes expectations for conduct for all EITI Board Members, their alternates, Members of the EITI Association, national and international secretariat staff and members of multi-stakeholder groups.