Local Content Policy (2020)
Local Content Policy (2020)
Published: April 26, 2020
Local Content Policy (2020)

Objectives:This policy framework seeks to address, the suite of opportunities that may arise and the approaches to betaken in selecting and developing opportunities related to enhancing the capabilities of Guyanese nationals and businesses through:
(i) training, development and employment initiatives (Capacity Development),
(ii)ensuring availability of ownership participation for qualified Guyanese equity interest (Ownership Value),
(iii)supplier development and services by locals to support sector operations (Local Content);
(iv)the various aspects of handling, processing, trading and utilisation of produced crude oil and natural gas and their derivatives (Value Addition);and(v)well-tailored social contributions for greater impact and benefits(Societal Benefits). It also describes what will be done to ensure that the activities in the petroleum sector are conducted in a manner that transparently secures the maximum benefit for the people of Guyana, while recognising the limitations of the country and holding all actors accountable to the present and future generations of Guyanese who are the owners of the nation’s petroleum resources.