Petroleum Commission Bill
Petroleum Commission Bill
Published: March 23, 2020
Petroleum Commission Bill

This Bill Governs the establishment of the Petroleum Commission
Functions of the Commission.
(1) The function of the Commission is to monitor and regulate the efficient, safe, effective and environmentally responsibleexploration, development and production of petroleum in Guyana.
(2) Without limiting the generality of subsection (1), the Commission shall
(a) promotethe policies of the Governmentin the exploration, development and production of petroleum in Guyana;
(b) review and recommend to the Minister for approval, amendment or rejection the plans, proposals, reports, analyses, data and any other information submitted by an applicant or operatorin support of an
5application for the granting or renewal of a petroleum prospecting licence or a petroleum production licence;
(c) when required by the Minister, managebid rounds for the grant of licences;
(d) monitor and ensure compliance with national policies, laws and agreements related to petroleum operations;(e) ensure that operators, contractors, sub-contractors and other persons involved in petroleum activities comply with all applicable laws;(f) ensure compliance with health, safety and environmental standards in petroleum operations in accordance with applicable laws and agreements and in cooperation with other government agencies;(g) ensure compliance with fiscal metering requirements in petroleum production activities in accordance with applicable lawsand procedures;(h)monitor and regulate petroleum activities, including reserve estimation and measurement of the produced oil and gas, and carry out all other inspections and audits in keeping with the functions of the Commission and as required by law;(i) ensure well planned, well executed and cost-efficient petroleum operations for the achievement of optimal levels of petroleum extraction;(j) promote local content and local participation in petroleum activities;(k) ensure the establishment of a national petroleum data bank including a central database of operators and other persons involved in petroleum activities, manage petroleum data and provide periodic updates and publication of the status of petroleum activities;(l) review and recommend to the Minister for approval, amendment or rejection of any proposed exploration activity contained in the annual work programme, appraisal programme and production forecasts submitted by a noperator; (m) review and approve budgets submitted by the operators;(n) review and advise the Minister on reports on discoveries submitted by an operator;(o) advise the Minister in the negotiation of petroleum agreements and in the granting, amendment, renewing, extending, and revocation of licences;(p) ensure accurate calibration and certification of equipment used for fiscal measures for petroleum activities;(q) participate in the measurement of petroleum to allow for estimation and assessment of royalty and profit oil or gas due to the State and be responsible for the approval of the exercise;(r) ascertain the cost oil or gas due to operators;(s) provide necessary information to the relevant authority for the collection of taxes and fees from petroleum operations;(t) promote, ensure and facilitate competition, access and utilisation of facilities by third parties to ensure optimal utilisation of existing and planned facilities;(u) monitor conditions of operators and their trade practices to ensure that competition and fair practice is maintained;(v) assess tail-end production and cessation of petroleum activities and decommissioning plans;(w) undertake research into optimum methods of exploring for, exploiting and utilising petroleum and petroleum products of Guyana;(x) perform any other function as assigned to it or requested by the Minister as being incidental or consequential to its functions under this Act