Petroleum Agreement - Roraima
Petroleum Agreement - Roraima
Published: February 28, 2020
Petroleum Agreement - Roraima

Anadarko Petroleum Corporation is US owned and operates as an oil and gas exploration company. The Company acquires, explores, develops, produces, and markets oil and natural gas.
In 2012, the company was granted an exploration licence for the Roraima block offshore Guyana. In October 2013, while conducting geophysical survey on behalf of Anadarko, the research vessel MV Teknik Perdana was ordered out of Guyana’s Exclusive Economic Zone by the Venezuelan Navy and escorted to the island of Margarita. The Research vessel had at least five US citizens onboard.
Following this incident, Anadarko halted operations in Guyana until July 2015 when company officials met with the Minister of Natural Resources Hon. Raphael Trotman and restated the company’s interest in drilling for oil in the licensed area.