Communiqués de presse
Guyana’s recoverable oil resources increased to ap…
MEDIA STATEMENTGuyana’s recoverable oil resources increased to approximately 10 billion oil equivalent barrels with the newest Cataback-1 well discovery Guyana currently has the 3rd highest oil…
GoG welcomes new Offshore Oil Discoveries
– new discoveries position Guyana to exceed a total of 9 billion oil-equivalent barrels The Ministry of Natural Resources on behalf of the Government of Guyana is pleased to announce Guyana’s…
Government of Guyana receives payment for the sev…
In keeping with the current administration’s commitment to transparency and accountability within the Petroleum Sector, the Government Guyana through the Ministry of Natural Resources is pleased…
Government receives payment for the sixth oil lift
-in keeping with commitments to transparency and accountability within the Petroleum Sector The Government Guyana through the Ministry of Natural Resources is pleased to announce that the…
Media Statement – GoG welcomes 20th Offshore Oil D…
As Minister of Natural Resources with responsibility for the Petroleum Sector and on behalf of the Government of Guyana, it gives me great pleasure and honour to announce Guyana’s 20th…
Press Statement on 19th Offshore Oil Discovery wit…
On behalf of the Government of Guyana and as Minister of Natural Resources with responsibility for the Petroleum Sector, it gives me great pleasure to announce Guyana’s 19th Offshore Oil Discovery…
On April 11, 2021, the Government of Guyana (GoG) was notified of an unexpected issue arising with the discharge silencer of the Flash Gas Compressor (FGC). The FGC and its associated components…
Strategic Stakeholders Engagement on the draft Loc…
The Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) has concluded a series of strategic engagements with various stakeholders on the revised draft Local Content Policy (LCP). This policy initiative responds…