Local Content
Developing local industrial capacities & infrastructures
Local Content must be measured by value of contrac…
(DPI) Vice President, Hon. Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo says local content must be measured by the value of the contracts given to Guyanese firms by oil companies, rather than the amount. During his…
Strategic Stakeholders Engagement on the draft Loc…
The Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) has concluded a series of strategic engagements with various stakeholders on the revised draft Local Content Policy (LCP). This policy initiative responds…
InFab to provide fabrication services for Prosperi…
─ significant milestone for local companies (DPI) For the first time, a local company will be offering fabrication services for a Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessel.…
Continuous Strategic Stakeholders’ Consultation on…
Following the inaugural stakeholders’ meeting held on Monday, 15th February 2021, at the Arthur Chung Convention Centre (ACCC), the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) is undertaking a series of…
Consultations on Local Content Policy to continue…
The Ministry of Natural Resources continues to make tremendous efforts towards transparency and accountability. In this regard, and in an effort to address and clear misconceptions that may…
Inaugural Guyana Energy Conference set for Monday…
(OilNow) The inaugural Guyana Energy Conference and Exhibition (GEC-X ’21) will be officially launched on Monday, February 22, at the Pegasus Hotel in the country’s capital, Georgetown. The…

- 21-Feb-2021
Guyana Energy Conference and Exhibition (GEC-X ’21…
The inaugural Guyana Energy Conference and Exhibition (GEC-X ’21) will be officially launched on Monday, February 22, at the Pegasus Hotel in the country’s capital, Georgetown. The conference is…
TVET Chairman reports major progress from collabor…
(Oil Now) As the Council for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (C-TVET) continues the pursuit of improved skills training and development, ExxonMobil Guyana has been playing a…
Handover of draft Local Content Policy
Natural Resources Minister, Hon. Vickram Bharrat yesterday held follow up discussions with Mr. Jairo Valverde, Resident Representative, UNDP and virtually handed over Guyana’s Draft Local Content…